Child Care Bag C: Cities
A set of books & resources to engage young listeners
Books for the Youngest Listeners
- The Baby’s Catalogue, by Ahlberg
- Building a House, by Barton
- Good Morning, Baby, by Hudson
- Max’s First Word, by Wells
- “More More More,” Said the Baby, by Williams
- Parade, by Crews
Story Books
- The Adventures of Taxi Dog, by Barracca
- Alfie Gets in First, by Hughes
- In the Night Kitchen, by Sendak
- Madeline’s Rescue, by Bemelmans
- The Paperboy, by Pilkey
- This is Our House, by Rosen
- The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, by Stevens
- The Wheels on the Bus, by Kovalski
- Where the Wild Things Are, by Sendak
Concept & Information Books
- Alligators All Around, by Sendak
- Chicken Soup With Rice, by Sendak
- One Was Johnny, by Sendak
- Pierre, by Sendak
For the Care Provider: Story Stretchers, by Raines
DVD: Weston Woods 60th Anniversary Edition
CD: Jim Gill Songs: Moving Rhymes for Modern Times
Toy: Fun in the City floor puzzle (24 pieces)