DPL Teen Advisors
A Teen Advisory Group is a teen-led group that is tasked with advising the Teen Librarian how to make the library a place that teens want to go!
What is a Teen Advisory Group?
A Teen Advisory Group is a teen-led group that is tasked with advising the Teen Librarian how to make the library a place that teens want to go! Teen advisors are asked to voice their opinions and make recommendations on teen programs and materials.
Some even plan, promote, and perform their own programs!
Why should I care?
Where do you go to hang out? How often do you have to spend money at those places? The library offers a space where you can come hang out without the expectation of spending money. We just need your help transforming it into a place you want to go!
How do I join?
You can apply to be a teen advisor here DPL TEEN ADVISOR APPLICATION.
Not enough free time to be an advisor? There will be open meetings and other volunteer opportunites in the future. You can check the DPL website’s Teen page for updates.