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Intro to D&D for Kids

For kids 10-13 with a strong imagination!


September 18, 2023
6:00pm - 7:00pm


Children's Auditorium


Kids 10-13


Calling all children 10-13 who have a strong imagination, like to tell stories, or just want to have fun with other kids their age.

This Club will introduce kids to the role playing game Dungeons and Dragons, which encourages storytelling, basic math, teamwork and strategy.

This program is for kids and run by kids (with some adult help and supervision). No previous experience required. Registration is required for this 4 week program.

Sessions will be approximately one hour in our Children's Auditorium and meet on September 18 and 25, and October 2 & 9.

To register, call 217-424-2900 ext. 5 with child's name, age, parent's phone and email, and child's experience level.