Fall Story Times
Enjoy stories, craft, song and other fun!
December 5, 2024
10:00am - 11:00am
Children's Section
Join us for in-person Story Time at the Decatur
Public Library! We'll share fun stories around a theme, songs, and a
craft or activity. Story Time meets in the Children's Section of the
library on the second floor.
Story time is geared to preschoolers
3-5 years old. Other siblings are welcome. Day care providers are also
welcome to bring their preschoolers. (If you're a day care provider or
babysitter and want to bring a group of kids, call us at 217-424-2900
ext. 5 to let us know in advance so we'll be sure to have enough craft
BabyTALK Time meets at the same time as the Thursday story times in the Children's Auditorium for those 3 and under with a caregiver.
The dates are:
- Thursday, September 26, 10 a.m. -- A musical story time, accompanied by musicians from our friends at Millikin University!
- Thursday, October 31, 10 a.m. -- Halloween story time! You are welcome to come in costume, and after Story Time we'll be trick-or-treating in the library!
- Thursday, December 5, 10 a.m. -- Christmas stories & craft!
No registration required -- just come and join in the fun!