The Unforgiven
Author Presentation
July 8, 2019
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Madden Auditorium
Join us to hear co-authors Edith Brady-Lunny and Steve Vogel speak about their new book, The Unforgiven, that traces tragic events that took place in Clinton, IL in 2003. This is a story that will shock you to the core. Books will be available to purchase and authors will be signing.
The Unforgiven is the story of how what appeared to be an accident turned into a crime. But was it murder? In this anatomy of an exceptional case that attracted national media attention, readers journey through unspeakable tragedy, small-town justice and the consequences of scalding decisions that changed people's lives forever.
The story stretches well beyond the deaths of Amanda's three children in 2003 to a Chicago courtroom more than a decade later where she was caught once again in the state's sticky web of justice. But this time the lives of her three new children were at stake.