Decatur Treatment Parlors
- Sanitarium Health Foods Offered (Jul 14, 1907)
- New Location at Walston Hotel (May 12, 1907)
- Battle Creek Sanitarium Methods (May 26, 1907)
- Treatment for Colds (Dec 22, 1907)
- Health the New Electric Life Way (May 7, 1913)
- Cooling Treatment (Jun 29, 1913)
- New Location Announcement (Aug 31, 1913)
- Treatments Offered at the Decatur Parlors (Jan 4, 1914)
- Treatment for Colds (Feb 22, 1914)
- Treatment Guarantee (Mar 22, 1914)
- Lecture - "Eating to Live" (Sept 15, 1914)
- "The Better Way" (Nov 1, 1914)
- Physiotherapy and Naturopathy Offers Benefits (Jul 23, 1944)