Longview Place 1940s
- Honor Long in Naming of Housing Site (Nov 10 1940)
- Longview Place Takes Shape as Attractive Housing Project Pt 1 (Jan 12 1941)
- Longview Place Takes Shape as Attractive Housing Project Pt 2 (Jan 12 1941)
- Need 436 Refrigerators (Mar 4 1941)
- Would Send 347 to Ullrich (Mar 6 1941)
- Housing Work Contract Given Chicago Firm (Mar 13 1941)
- Construction Begins on Longview Housing Project (Apr 21 1941)
- Old Houses Give Way to New at Longview Place (May 4 1941)
- Walls Rising on Buildings in Housing Project Part 1 (Jul 1 1941)
- Walls Rising on Buildings in Housing Project Part 2 (Jul 1 1941)
- Refrigerator Bid $33,000 (Jul 11 1941)
- Longview Job is More Than Third Finished (Sep 24 1941)
- Housing Rental Applicant List to be Built Up (Sep 25 1941)
- System Devised for Selecting Tenant in Housing Project (Oct 8 1941)
- Housing Officials Inspect Progress at Longview Place Pt 1 (Nov 6 1941)
- Housing Officials Pt 2 (Nov 6 1941)
- Housing Officials Pt 3 (Nov 6 1941)
- Rental Registration Taken for Longview Place (Nov 27 1941)
- Longview Housing Project Nearing Completion (Dec 29 1941)
- Workman Construct Walks Pt 1 (Mar 16 1942)
- Workman Construct Walks Pt 2 (Mar 16 1942)
- Longview Gives Preference to War Workers (Apr 3 1942)
- First Family Moves into Longview Place Pt 1 (May 29 1942)
- First Family Moves into Longview Place Pt 2 (May 29 1942)
- Longview Place Rents Revamped (Aug 5 1942)
- Longview Place Playground Facilities Opened (Oct 25 1942)
- Accommodations Available Notice (Dec 2 1942)
- Longview Girls Have Creative Program (Feb 9 1943)
- First Longview Place Wedding (Mar 21 1943)
- Longview Prepares for Christmas (Dec 19 1947)
- Santa Visits Children at Longview (Dec 19 1947)
- Income of Longview Tenants to Be Checked Pt 1 (Dec 8 1948)
- Income of Longview Tenants to Be Checked Pt 2 (Dec 8 1948)