New Borrowing Benefits
Newly Revised Circulation Policies
Changes that May Affect You
- No fee for replacement cards.
- Still important to notify DPL if your card is Lost or Stolen to protect your account.
- DVD, CD, Audiobook, Vox book, Video Game, and Magazine limit increased to 20.
- Still important to remember Patron is responsible for all the material they check out.
- Library cards will be issued to anyone under 18 when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian with an active card.
- The Adult is responsible for their own card as well as for that of their child’s.
February 1, 2022, the Library will no longer decide what your child is allowed to read.
Parents, caregivers, and legal guardians are solely responsible for the child’s selection. This responsibility is no longer managed by Decatur Public Library, Board of Trustees, or staff.
The Decatur Public Library (DPL)
- will no longer decide what your child is allowed to read.
- gives the decision back to the parent, where it belongs.
- DPL will not assume nor overrule the rights and responsibilities of parents and guardians.
- DPL supports the responsibility and the right of all parents and guardians to guide their own children’s use of the library and its resources and services.
- DPL ensures that only parents and guardians have the right and the responsibility to determine their children’s—and only their children’s—access to library resources.
Parents and guardians who do not want their children to have access to specific library services, materials, or facilities should so advise their own children.
WHY: The American Library Association (ALA) supports equal and equitable access to all library resources and services by users of all ages. The ALA opposes all attempts to restrict access to library services, materials, and facilities based on the age of library users.