DPL's Anniversary Reading Challenge
Are you up for the Challenge?
We often read stories and books that resonant deeply with something within ourselves and stretch our world view. In honor of these voices and our 150th anniversary, we invite you to join us in a year-long reading challenge.
*These challenges are open to all in our community, Decatur Public Library card NOT required.
Beginning January 2nd, 2025
- Sign up online through Beanstack. You can download the app through Android or iOS systems. (App does not load on Kindle Fire, but you can sign up online with your Fire browser.)
- If you already created a Beanstack account for any of our other annual challenges, you can sign in with the same email, and just enroll in the Anniversary Reading Challenge.
- If NOT using Beanstack, you can call 429-2900 to sign up, and then pick up your reading log at the library starting January 2nd at the Reference Desk.
For Adults (19+)
- Each month we'll recommend multiple titles, based around a theme or social topic.
- Choose one of the titles suggested to read for the challenge.
- Then tell us your choice and thoughts, to complete the monthly badge* and earn a chance at that month's drawing for a Samsung Galaxy Tab S6**.
For Teens (13-18)
- Each month we'll set a theme or social topic.
- Choose a title that fits the monthly prompt to read for the challenge.
- Then tell us your choice and thoughts, to complete the monthly badge* and earn a chance at that month's drawing for a Samsung Galaxy Tab S6**.
- Read and complete the badges for 8 out of the 12 monthly challenges and earn a chance for the year-end drawings for an Oculus Quest 3***.
- *One title per month counts towards the challenge
- **Monthly drawings will occur approximately 10 weeks after the badge is released (Ex. January's badge will be available to complete from January 2nd to March 14th, so the drawing would be held the week of March 17th)
- ***Year-end drawings for the Oculus Quest 3(s) will be held in January 2025
Monthly Themes:
January - Refresh, Renew, Read
February - Black History
March - Women's History
April - Earthly Encounters
May - Human Trafficking
June - PRIDE
July - Mind Matters
August - Drug Awareness
September - Intellectual Freedom
October - Hispanic Heritage
November - Indigenous History
December - TBR ("to be read") List
Sign up online here: DPL's Anniversary Reading Challenge.