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The African-Americans-Many Rivers to Cross

Throughout the course of the series, viewers will see that the road to freedom for black people in America has not been linear, but more like the course of a river, full of loops and eddies, slowing, and occasionally reversing the current of progress.

American Denial

A film that challenges our assumptions about who we are and what we really believe, while illuminating a pattern of racial oppression that we have actively recreated throughout history to the present moment -- while just as actively denying its consequences.

Arc of Justice

Arc of Justice traces the remarkable journey of New Communities, Inc. and the struggle for racial justice and economic empowerment among African Americans in southwest Georgia.

I Am Not Your Negro

a journey into black history that connects the past of the Civil Rights movement to the present of #BlackLivesMatter. It is a film that questions black representation in Hollywood and beyond. And, ultimately, by confronting the deeper connections between the lives and assassination of these three leaders, Baldwin and Peck have produced a work that challenges the very definition of what America stands for.

Race: The Power of an Illusion

RACE - THE POWER OF ILLUSION questions the very idea of race as innate biology, suggesting that a belief in inborn racial difference is no more sound than believing that the sun revolves around the earth. Yet race still matters. Just because race doesn't exist in biology doesn't mean it isn't very real, helping shape life chances and opportunities.

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow

This series offers the first comprehensive look at race relations in America between the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement...The story of the struggle during Jim Crow is told through the eyes of those who experienced it.

Slavery and the Making of America

Narrated by Oscar-winner Morgan Freeman, SLAVERY AND THE MAKING OF AMERICA examines the integral role slavery played in shaping the new country and challenges the long held notion that it was exclusively a Southern enterprise. The remarkable stories of individual slaves offer fresh perspectives on the slave experience.

The Talk: Race in America

This film documents the increasingly common conversation taking place in homes across the country between parents of color and their children, especially sons, about how to behave if they are ever stopped by the police.

Teached: Think of Calvin

Calvin caught up with an old friend while his two boys rode bikes around the block. When police followed his fifteen year-old home, pulling on gloves as they approached the teenager, Calvin intervened to ask "Why? What did he do?" How these questions escalated into a night in jail for a father with no prior record will make you "Think of Calvin" next time you question racial profiling or how America has become the world's most prolific jailer.

White Like Me

White Like Me, based on the work of acclaimed anti-racist educator and author Tim Wise, explores race and racism in the US through the lens of whiteness and white privilege.