Databases will be available until June 15, 2020
Username: 1633923-user
Password: digital
Infobase is an educational solutions company providing digital reference content to the school and library community.
Ferguson's Career Guidance Center
Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center is a comprehensive resource for career exploration and planning that allows users to quickly find the valuable career information they need, whether it’s industry and professions articles, school planning resources, or skills and career advice.
Today's Science
Today’s Science bridges the gap between the science taught in class and real-world discoveries by leading scientists—giving comprehensive and in-depth explanations of some of the most important advances in biology, chemistry, environmental science, space, physics, and technology.
Access Video On Demand: Master Collection
Offers instant access to thousands of exclusive, high-interest videos and clips from top producers.
World News Digest
For more than 75 years, World News Digest has been a go-to resource for context and background on key issues of both historical events and breaking news. With more than 300,000 original articles and a vast archive covering every major event since its inception, this database offers concise summaries of current events and clearly written essays on the top issues of the day.