April 15, 2024
10:00am - 10:30am
You can enjoy story time with the library from home, preschool, or wherever you are!
Join us for live story times via Zoom every Monday morning at 10
a.m.! Programs will last about 20 minutes and include 3-4 books. Stories
will be geared to preschool kids, but any are welcome to join in.
Families, day cares, and preschools, and classrooms are all welcome.
If you have a day care, preschool, or other group that would like to
participate in our story times, but these days/times don't work for you,
we'd be happy to set up a special story time just for your group.
Contact us at the Children's Desk at 217-424-2900 ext. 5, or email us at
Register with your email to receive the Zoom link. (You only need to register once. The same link will work for all Story Time Live programs.)
Story Time Live will start on Monday, September 11, and will run Mondays through the end of April, 2024.
The only dates we will NOT have Story Time Live are: November
20, December 4 & 25, January 1 & 15, February 19 & March