Volunteer opportunities offer citizens a way to contribute to the community and learn more about the Library, while helping the library expand and enrich its services.
We love our volunteers! The Decatur Public Library believes volunteers are a vital part of any successful public library.
Who Can Volunteer
All adults are welcome to apply to volunteer! Volunteers under the age of 18 must have parental consent and may not work without direct supervision by a staff member or an adult volunteer. The library will only accept volunteers 14 and older.
Volunteer Training and Expectations
All volunteers will receive a general orientation on the purpose of the library, the program they will be working with, and a tour of the library.
Volunteers will receive on-the-job training to provide them with the information and skills reasonably necessary to perform their assignment. Staff members with responsibility for delivery of services should have an active role in the training of the volunteers.
Each volunteer accepted to a position with the library will have a clearly identified supervisor. This supervisor shall be responsible for the day-to-day guidance of the work of the volunteer and shall be reasonably available to the volunteer for consultation and assistance.
Volunteers are expected to perform their duties on a regular scheduled and timely basis. If volunteers expect to be absent they should notify their immediate supervisor in advance so the alternative arrangements may be made.
To learn more about our volunteer roles, see our Volunteer Policy.
How to Apply
If you are interested in volunteering at the library, please fill out an application form. Each application will be reviewed by the department head, and candidates will be accepted based on their qualifications in relation to the needs of the library at that time.
Please email completed applications to rmeyer@decaturlibrary.org or mail them to:
Decatur Public Library
Attn: Rick Meyer
130 N. Franklin St.
Decatur, IL 62523